Vitamin Lady original articles containing natural health information, holistic help with health conditions

Health Information from The Vitamin Lady�

These articles offer common sense suggestions for alternative health care.  They support a responsible and natural approach to health and taking care of one's own body holistically.  These articles were written by Lynn Hinderliter, a Certified Nutritionist and State Licensed Nutritional Counselor.

This information should never override the advice of your Medical Professional.


Guest articles by Dr. Lindsey Duncan on Constipation - Weight Control - Chronic Fatigue

Alphabetical Listing

5 HTP- L-Tryptophan and Beyond - The importance of Serotonin to Health
Creatine - research and uses
The Liver - its importance to our health
ADD/ADHD - the diet connection
Depression - nutritional support & helpful strategies
Lysine - the sore loser
Acid Alkaline Balance - balancing your pH
The Dandelion - importance of a humble herb
Magnesium  - review of a very important nutrient
Acid/Alkaline Foods - eating for pH balance
Detoxification - health through cleansing
Melatoninmore than a sleep aid!
Adrenal Glands and Stress - the connection
also  A Simple Cleansing Fast
Memory - how to support it naturally
Aging Youthfully
Cleansing through Sweat
MS - a comprehensive approach
Alpha Lipoic Acid
DHEA - research and uses
MSM - a comprehensive review
Allergies - how to control them naturally
Diabetes - a comprehensive approach to control
(Migraine) Headache addressing headaches naturally
Antioxidants - their importance to health
Ear Infections - natural help for ear infections
Noni Fruit - by Dr. Lindsey Duncan
Arthritis - joint problems helped nutritionally
Energy - a multi factorial natural approach
Osteoporosis Part 1 - importance of bone health
Aspirin- natural blood thinners
Essential Fatty Acids - the right fats for health
Osteoporosis Part 2 - importance of bone health
Asthmabreathe without fear
Eyes natural  support for healthy vision
Olive Leaf - an amazing volatile herb
Ayurveda - centuries old health system
OPCs -  Resveratrol and Pycnogenol
Feast and Famine - a balanced approach to dieting
Pain - a multi-factorial approach
Bladder problems - diet and supplement connection
Fiber - the importance of fiber to health
pH Factor - balancing acid alkaline
Blood Types - a synopsis of their health effects
Fiberomyalgia - help for a complex problem
PMS - no more cursing!
Bowel Irregularity - constipation and health
Flu & Cold Fighters - natural ways to beat the flu
Probiotics - a definition
Breast Cancer - strategies to avoid the scourge
Garlic - humble but mighty health support
Propolis - what we owe the bees
Breastfeeding - baby's best start in life
Ginseng - application of different kinds of ginseng
Prostate Problems
Beyond probiotics - HSOs - primal defense
Green Tea - its importance to health
Psoriasis - opening the envelope
The Budwig Diet - dietary approach to cancer
Healthy Diet -  supporting health with food
Rotation Diet - a quick guide
Calcium Pyruvate
Heart Health - a natural program to support the heart
Selenium - importance of Selenium to health
Cancer - the Vitamin lady's experience
Herbal Perils - what to watch out for
Silica - lecture for CNs
Cancer - Strategies to avoid it
High Blood Pressure - priming the pump
Stress and the Adrenals - the connection
My Cancer Supplement Regimen
Homocysteine - a risk factor & its control
Sucralose (Splenda) containing foods
Candida Albicanscontrol of yeast infections
How it all Began
Sulfur/Disease Connection
L-Carnitine - the many health properties of Carnitine
Immunity - strategies to stay healthy
Tocotrienols - a new look at Vitamin E
Caveat Emptor - dangers of buying for price only
Inflammation - cause of many disease states
Summer Health - Bugs, Sun and Vitamin D
Chitin/Chitosan - a very special fiber
Intestinal Health - the basis of health
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Cholesterol - natural ways to balance cholesterol
Insomnia - the best of rest
Vitamin E -  importance of Vitamin E to health
CLA - research on  conjugated linoleic acid
Insulin Resistance - balancing blood sugar
Vitamin C -  importance of Vitamin C to health
Children's Health - raising healthy children naturally
IP6 and Cancer - important news about cancer
Weight Control - eating for balance
Coca Pulse Test - simple allergy assessment
Irritable Bowel Syndrome - the bowels of hell
Yoghurt Making - simple yoghurt making
Co-enzyme Q10 - the health properties of CoQ10
Kava Kava - a balanced view
Zinc -  importance of Zinc to health
Colostrum - the immune support supplement
Libido - sex as a natural act
It is hard, if not impossible, to keep up with the sheer volume of knowledge that comes out every day about Natural Health.
 I try to do the reading so you don't have to, and bring my judgment to bear on what works & what doesn't.
You will find no outrageous claims or purple prose here, only moderation & commonsense.
This section contains articles written by me for the Newsletter I publish on a regular basis, and which I revise as new information becomes available.
 Of course, while I rely on published research, much of this is my own opinion and
should always be conditional on your Doctor's advice and consent.

Some are in depth, some are merely informative. Please feel free to print, share, comment on or otherwise enjoy them.
Keywords: free information natural health, complementary alternative health information, alternative health information,  alternative medicine health information, alternative medicines health information,
alternative information on health, alternative complementary health information, holistic health information, natural health articles, complementary alternative health information, alternative health information,  alternative medicine health information, alternative medicines health information, alternative information on health, alternative complementary health information, holistic health information, natural health articles,
about Candida,  about high blood pressure,  about digestion, digestive problems,  about cholesterol problems,  about heart health,  about osteoporosis,  about menopause,  about natural immunity,  about energy,  about insomnia,  natural help about high blood pressure,  about heart health naturally,  about the liver,  about irritable bowel syndrome,  about intestinal health,  about natural blood thinners,  about ayurvedic health, about add/adhd,  about ear infections natural help,  about 5 HTP tryptophan,  about allergies natural help,  about natural help cancer,  about natural help candida,  about stress adrenals,  about healthy diet,  about green tea health benefits,  about pH balance acid alkaline,  about,  about detoxification fasting,  about digestion natural help,  about aging youthfully,  about antioxidants,  about creatine,  about essential fatty acids health,  about garlic health, basics of traditional chinese medicine, list sucralose containing foods


The statements on these pages have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug administration, and are not intended to cure or diagnose any disease.

The Vitamin Lady�� does not intend any comments to replace the recommendations of your medical professional.

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