Vitamin Lady

Vitamin Lady

Nurturing the Body, Mind & Soul

Cancer Regimen

Lynn’s Cancer Regimen of Supplements

by Lynn Hinderliter CN, LDN

When I learned that a CT scan had detected a large tumor in my abdomen,  my first re-action was “where do I turn”?  I find this ironic, since of all people you would think I would have the process at my finger tips.  This kind of news, however, is overwhelming: knowing that whether at this point one chooses the correct path will determine life or death, can focus the mind wonderfully.

This is the approach I designed for myself :
Supplementation – the page you are on now.  These are not instructions for cancer sufferers, but what I did when I discovered I had a tumor. Why these supplements?  (See lower in this article)
An anti-cancer Diet

For the first 3 months: I spent a LOT Of time at home.  It is hard to spend any length of time away.
2 x Artemesinin
  •  An hour later – 2 oz of Essiac or FlorEssence – I cannot choose between them, the evidence for rboth seems to be about equal!  I would not, however, personally substitute any of the other “faux essiacs” that are out there.  I add liquid Green Tea Extract and
    Zeolite drops.
2x IP6;   2 x Beta Glucan;  2 x Coriolus VPS
  • Midmorning: papaya juice concentrate diluted with pure water.  Add 1 fl. oz noni juice, 2 fl. oz pure aloe vera juice.
 4 x 250 mg Alpha Lipoic Acid; 4 x PeakImmune 4 (after 4 weeks of taking it 3 times daily, I dropped back to 4 caps once daily)
3 x CoEnzyme Q10 100 mg;
4 x Turmeric;  2 x Lithium orotate;
 4 x 250 mg Alpha Lipoic Acid; 4 x PeakImmune 4
4 x Graviola;  4 x Turmeric;  2 x Lithium orotate;
  • About 9 p.m –  2 oz of Essiac or FlorEssence. Add 4 drops Maitake Gold,
    5 drops Samento.

  • At bedtime (10 pm for me)

 1 scoop Ionic Fizz Magnesium Plus;  2x IP6;
2 x Beta Glucan;  2 x Coriolus VPS


    • Artemesinin – one paper of many

    • Samento/Cats Claw

    • Maitake

    • Essiac or FlorEssence

    • IP6

    • Beta Glucan

    • Coriolus VPS

CoEnzyme Q10

Some information I came across caused me to separate my intake of Graviola and CoQ10: click here for the explanation


  • Lithium Orotate

  • Turmeric (also sometimes called Curcumin after one of the active ingredients)

  • Alpha Lipoic Acid – for why no Vitamin C, see below!

  • BroccoMax (SGS)

  • Flax Essence (SDG)

  • Noni Juice

  • Aloe Vera Juice

  • PeakImmune 4 – I was iffy about this, but NK activity is important.

  • Green Tea Extract

WHY NO ANTIOXIDANTS, such as high dose C?

Everywhere I looked I seemed to come across information that suggested that, while antioxidants are helpful to prevent cancer, once it is diagnosed, they may cause it to grow. (Bear in mind that looking back with the knowledge I now have, I am convinced this growth started about 18 years ago.) I simply became uncomfortable with that thought, and could not set aside the fact that I have taken about 4 gms of vitamin C daily for many years without any apparent protective effect.

What is incontrovertible is that increasing the antioxidants in foods ALWAYS has a protective effect, with no risk. So I decided to get my antioxidants that way.

Some relevant links:

The Cancer Cure Foundation’s report on the Budwig Diet –

Now that you have Cancer –  what do you do?

Can a biopsy cause cancer to spread?

Some personal stories from People who have beaten Cancer with Nutrition. –

Dr Murray’s book, “How to Prevent and Treat Cancer with Natural Medicine”

Diet and Cancer – a Report –

Death By Doctoring – a riveting essay. –

Steve Dunn’s  informative and comprehensive site which takes a balanced look at alternative treatments. –

Another well-informed and useful alternative Cancer Therapy site. –

Putting Laughter & Humor  in your Life – as the inimitable Victor Borge put it – he who laughs, lasts!

Cancer Treatment Center of America – Organic Food & Cancer –

Source for Apricot Kernels Our Father’s Farm – sources of B 17

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