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Nurturing the Body, Mind & Soul

Fatigue – Chronic Fatigue

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Fatigue

by Dr. Lindsey Duncan ND,CN

Dr. Lindsey Duncan, ND, CN has committed his life to helping individuals become healthier and live more fulfilling lives. His clients have included many leading music, film and television celebrities and political figures.   Dr. Duncan can be reached at 888-323-9355, or email  [email protected].

The first day of your life that you experience
less energy, less vitality and less mental power,
is the first day of your impending illness!”
—Dr. Bernard Jensen, Ph.D.

Literally hundreds of of thousands of people across America are uttering the words “Chronic Fatigue”, wondering whether or not they might have this “dreaded syndrome.”  Complaints range from extreme fatigue, re-occurring colds and illnesses, to poor digestion, lethargy, chronic exhaustion, allergies, food sensitivities and much, much more.

The causes surrounding chronic fatigue can be very complicated and extensive.  It is time to return to “extreme basics” concerning the causes of chronic fatigue, and begin to understand how to overcome this frustrating and unnecessary syndrome.

Many factors can influence Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS): hereditary factors such as

  • your over-all genetic constitution (what strengths and weaknesses you are given from your parents, grandparents, etc.);
  • emotional stress;
  • environmental pollutants;
  • smoking;
  •  overuse of antibiotics;
  • food allergies;
  •  improper diet,  etc.

These issues can be severely detrimental to the human body by causing depletion of necessary vitamins and minerals, chemical sensitivities, lowering immunity and creating excess acids and toxins in the bloodstream.  Individuals that have inherently weak constitutions find themselves even more susceptible than normal to the above factors.


The core of the chronic fatigue problem can be traced to the digestive system and the metabolic processes that surround every type of food we place in our mouths.  Over 90% of my clients, whether they realize it initially or not, come into my office with some type of digestive disturbance, malfunction, or inefficiency.  When the digestive system is not functioning properly, nutrients cannot be absorbed and assimilated from our foods.  To further complicate this issue, undigested food matter ferments in the 98.6 degree digestive tract, and becomes toxic.  These toxins are eventually reabsorbed into the bloodstream, consequently polluting all of our tissues and cells.  Many food allergies and toxemia cases stem from this basic problem.

The digestive process is the key factor in maintaining optimum health and proper energy reserves.  Our bodies need fuel (nutrients) to provide energy—it’s simple.  If your body is not digesting nutrients properly, you become sluggish, lethargic, and most importantly, malnourished, which in turn effects your whole body.

The glandular system (which is built and nourished with protein, one of the hardest nutrients to digest) becomes weak.  The immune system becomes weak, yet continues to battle germs and other foreign invaders to the point of chronic exhaustion.  The nervous system becomes weak and is unable to properly handle the tremendous stress loads we place upon it every day, which in turn creates insomnia, nervousness, irritability and extreme fatigue.

And so it goes, the vicious cycle of malnutrition, malabsorption and toxemia…  all of which eventually lead to complaints of chronic fatigue.

Some people, even though they are eating a healthy diet, need also to expedite and eliminate unwanted toxins and undigested food particles that tend to linger in the bowel.  This process tends to “jump-start”  the digestive system, clearing out the old, and making way for the new.  The importance of an internal cleansing program in dealing with CFS cannot be stressed enough.  The only way to overcome this frustrating syndrome over the long term is to encourage the digestive system to properly digest, absorb and assimilate foods, which in turn will properly nourish the body with  essential, energy-producing nutrients.

Dietary factors also play an important part in alleviating chronic fatigue.  People should eat wholesome, organic, foods (raw, if they can tolerate them)  as often as they can.  Basic, healthy, live foods such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables, salads and high quality proteins provide optimum nutrients to the body.  Stay away from processed foods, canned foods, junk foods, and lifeless foods devoid of nutrients and enzymes.  All allergenic foods that contain sugar, gluten, dairy, alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, excess fats, chemicals and additives should be off limits to anyone battling chronic fatigue.   ALL IMPORTANT ENZYMES!Supplemental enzymes are another important factor in addressing chronic fatigue.  Enzymes are necessary for optimum absorption and assimilation of all nutrients.  In my practice, I use hydrochloric acid, pancreatin, and/or various plant enzymes to support the digestive system.

While raw foods contain natural enzymes, most people eat a large amount of cooked foods, which destroys enzymes.  This process is one of the main causes of impaired digestion, malabsorption and malnourishment.  Supplemental enzymes in therapeutic doses work wonders for chronic fatigue individuals.  As food is properly converted into nutrients, energy levels immediately increase.



Several other key supplements are useful in overcoming chronic fatigue.  Simply adding the B-complex vitamins to a diet can raise energy levels from ten percent to over ninety percent.  It is important to realize the B-vitamins also provide tremendous support and protection  to the nervous system.  B vitamins are also water-soluble, which means any excess is simply excreted.

Green Superfoods are also a favorite energy producing supplement of mine.  Superfoods are all natural, contain no synthetic ingredients, and should include one or more of the following:  chlorella, Spirulina, blue-green algae, wheat grass, barley grass, spinach, etc.  These foods are extremely nutrient dense, and are some of the most powerful energy-producing plants in existence.  Superfoods are very easy to assimilate and metabolize, insuring proper nutrient utilization  to all but the most extreme  malabsorption cases.

Individuals suffering from CFS might also consider using a comprehensive powdered nutritional supplement.  Look for a powerful and nutritionally-complete powdered supplement which offers a full spectrum of vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants, amino-acids, herbs and enzymes.  (A powdered nutrient system is much easier to digest and absorb—a major factor with chronic fatigue individuals.)

These nutritional supplements go a long way in alleviating chronic fatigue symptoms.  They are easy to digest, easy to assimilate and are powerful energy producers.  A good all-around nutritional supplement is worth its weight in gold.  Therapeutic supplementation can literally change people’s lives, giving them a solid, optimum health foundation that can weather illness, fatigue, excess stress and more.


Chronic Fatigue Syndrome begins in the digestive tract—a direct result of faulty digestion and malabsorption  of  essential  nutrients—and ends with toxic by-products being reabsorbed into our bloodstream, creating toxemia.  The first step in alleviating chronic fatigue is to address the digestive system, beginning with an internal cleansing program.  As Dr. Jensen says, “Proper healing cannot take place without first addressing and cleansing the intestinal tract.”

Herbal and fiber combinations should be used, along with fresh, “live” juices and a wholesome, healthy diet, to expedite and eliminate unwanted toxins and undigested food particles that tend to linger in the bowel. This process tends to “jump-start” the digestive system, clearing out the old, and making way for the new.

The importance of an internal cleansing program in dealing with CFS cannot be stressed enough. The only way to overcome this frustrating syndrome over the long term is to encourage the digestive system to properly digest, absorb and assimilate foods, which in turn will properly nourish the body with essential, energy-producing nutrients.


There are literally hundreds of other supplements that could be beneficial to the sufferers of CFS, but that is really missing the point of this article.  By understanding the basic principles of  “not just eating, but assimilating” proper nutrients, and by providing the body with optimum nourishment to enhance its numerous life-supporting systems, it becomes clear that addressing the digestive system and its metabolic functions will provide our bodies with the proper tools to insure optimum health.  Alleviating chronic fatigue is merely a side benefit of these principles!

Find the recommended supplements here

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