Vitamin Lady

Vitamin Lady

Nurturing the Body, Mind & Soul

Osteoporosis – importance of bone health

OSTEOPOROSISNatural help for bone loss OSTEOPOROSIS
by Lynn Hinderliter CN, LDN

How huge our parents appeared to us when we were children, yet when we are grown,  they seem so much smaller . It is not just that we have grown, very likely they are smaller now. Osteoporosis

This is because with age the body’s frame can shrink as we lose cartilage, the padding between the bones of the spine. For some people this process remains within acceptable bounds, but for others it can become a major heath hazard as not only is the cartilage affected, but the bones themselves become brittle and start to erode. This bone loss happens to men as well as women, but is more common and a greater health risk in women. Osteoporosis

It is never too soon to start ensuring the health of your bones:  adequate steps taken during adolescence and before the child-bearing years translate to protection later! Osteoporosis

Bone loss in women usually starts imperceptibly around the age of 30, increasing rapidly with the onset of menopause, then slowing down again about 5 years after the “change” to the earlier rate. The point is that the better the foundation of bone laid down in youth, the further you have to decline in age to be in trouble. As with so many health problems, prevention is so much easier than cure.  Osteoporosis

Risks are higher for some women than for others, and the following  factors are extremely relevant: Osteoporosis

  • ethnic origin

  •  frame size

  •  activity levels

  •  smoking

  •  heavy coffee drinking

  •  family history

Step 1.

Hormonal Balance is crucial to healthy bones. In Dr. John Lee’s book, Natural Progesterone, The Multiple Roles of a Remarkable Hormone, he points out that if estrogen were the only hormone involved in the accelerated bone loss of the menopausal years, then there would be no bone loss when hormonal levels of estrogen are high, as is the case certainly after age 30 and even into the later childbearing years. Osteoporosis

The fact that the rate of bone loss accelerates when estrogen levels fall suggests a partial involvement, but the hormone that is lower during both these times in a woman’s life is progesterone. The evidence we have at the moment suggests that estrogen’s role in bone loss is limited to increased bone resorption in its absence. Osteoporosis

In other words, when levels of estrogen are low, it can no longer inhibit the rate at which bone is broken down: but we have no real evidence  of receptor sites for estrogen in the bone building process. Osteoporosis

On the other hand, there is evidence that such sites do exist for progesterone. In fact, Dr. Lee’s studies show that untreated post menopausal women will lose bone mass, that estrogen supplementation will maintain bone mass, but that supplementing with natural progesterone will increase bone mass, effectively reversing the osteoporotic process. Osteoporosis

Remember, all hormones have cholesterol as a base, and the hormone-like vitamin D is also dependent on cholesterol.  Regulation of cholesterol and LDL is dependent on the presence of the correct fatty acids. Because of the hormone connection to bone health, I urge you to balance your essential fatty acid intake to make sure you are getting a healthy ratio of Omega 3 to Omega 6.  Think fish 3 times a week, or a supplemental source of Fish Liver Oil. Osteoporosis

Researchers measured bone density at several skeletal locations in 130 anorexic women in their mid 20s.  92% had substantial bone loss in at least one site:  38% had bone loss severe enough to qualify as osteoporosis. “Bone mineral density did not differ by history of estrogen use at any site,” the study authors reported.  

While estrogen use was not related to bone density, several other factors were:  Osteoporosis

  •         Weight 

  •         Age at first period 

  •         Amount of time that had elapsed since women had their last menstrual period

were all associated  with bone density.  Osteoporosis

Interestingly, this study found that calcium and vitamin D supplements did not improve bone density in these women either.  I would be interested to see a study investigating the connection between low stomach enzyme levels and anorexia:  lack of hydrochloric acid is one cause of zinc deficiency, which has been linked to eating disorders. HCL is necessary for the absorption of both calcium and zinc. Osteoporosis

Annals of Internal Medicine November 21, 2000; 133: 790-794 

Step 2

Proper diet. For women, this involves careful balancing of nutrients, heavy on the green leafy vegetables (such as kale, spinach, broccoli, cabbage), and low on animal fats. The Nurses’ Health Study looked at this question of diet, and Dr. Diane Feshkanish, M.D. of Harvard Medical School found that the 20% of women who consumed less than 109 mcgs. of Vit. K (found primarily in your green leafies) had a 43% higher risk of hip fracture. Osteoporosis

There are numerous studies that show bone mass in vegetarians is much denser than that of meat-eaters when they reach their fifties, and the reason appears to be that high animal protein promotes the excretion of calcium. The main dietary enemies of proper calcium balance are sugar, caffeine and alcohol, all of which cause calcium to be lost from the body, and drinking carbonated pops, where the excess of phosphoric acid is thought to interfere with calcium uptake. I theorize it also causes an acid body pH, which affects calcium balances. Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is intimately affected by your pH. Osteoporosis

Counteracting Acidic Diet Reduces Markers of Bone Loss in Older Adults

I also recommend that women limit their dairy intake (unless they have access to raw milk products), except for yoghurt and kefir (see RESOURCES at bottom) and replace some dairy with soy products. As previously stated, studies are suggesting that soy promotes proper hormonal balance, essential for bone-building, and it is a fact that countries where dairy consumption is high tend to have higher levels of osteoporosis. Interestingly, tea (even caffeinated) is associated with higher bone density. This is probably because tea contains many positive elements, flavonoids such as catechins, and now research has discovered that an amino acid in Green Tea, called L-Theanine, counteracts the effects of caffeine giving the drinker the benefits of both relaxation and stimulation! Osteoporosis

A caveat here:  if you cannot handle dairy, and/or are lactose intolerant, be very careful to supplement with enough calcium.  See RESOURCES at bottom for a study connecting dairy intolerance with osteoporosis. Osteoporosis

Another reason diet is important is that calcium is very sensitive to acid conditions, and relies on a combination of the proper acid environment in the stomach – i.e. enough hydrochloric acid – and a more or less neutral pH in the blood for absorption. A diet high in veggies will take care of the latter part of this equation, but those of us who have digestive problems had better be SURE they are due to too MUCH acid before taking antacids! A 2008 study found that using proton pump ionhibtors for over 7 years DOUBLERD the risk of osteoporosis.  Regular and habitual long term use of antacids is directly connected to poor calcium absorption.  Unfortunately, so may chocolate!!  ( Osteoporosis

It is much more common as we age to have too little acid in our stomach which can mimic the same symptoms of discomfort: addressing the situation with antacids, however, will mean adversely affecting calcium status. See below, step 3, for more information on that. Osteoporosis

High homocysteine levels are now suspect in osteoporosis, which is not a surprise, given the connection between pH, methylation and homocysteine.

The study’s authors state:
“An increased homocysteine level appears to be a strong and independent risk factor for osteoporotic fractures in older men and women,”  while recommending that this risk be confirmed in other large population studies. “Proof of a causal relationship between increased homocysteine levels and bone disease could be established by intervention studies aimed at lowering the serum homocysteine level. Whereas randomized, controlled trials have shown that folic acid–based vitamin supplements can effectively reduce homocysteine levels and reduce the rate of coronary restenosis, additional studies are needed to assess whether the use of such therapy will reduce the risk of fracture.”

Step 3

Exercise of almost any kind: including walking, swimming, yoga, jogging, but most effective is working out with light hand weights. One of our foremost holistic doctors has suggested, only half in jest, that we levy a tax on video games, television programs and other couch potato type occupations that keep our young people inactive, and set it aside in a fund for all the hips that will be fractured in the year 2030! Osteoporosis

As little as 1 hour of exercise 3 times a week has been shown to help reverse bone loss.  Even just brisk walking.

The importance of exercise is high-lighted by a 2002 study at the University of Connecticut (Ilich-Ernst, et al) that showed pretty conclusively a direct connection between lean body mass (LBM) and bone mineral density (BMD): Osteoporosis

Results: The results showed significant reduction of both total body BMD and lean body mass (LBM) of 13% and 12%, respectively, with age. LBM was the strongest determinant of BMD in various skeletal sites in the entire cohort and groups. Ca was positively associated with BMD of various regions of hip in the entire cohort and in the youngest and oldest subjects (r ranging from 0.32-0.56, P < .05, in simple regression), but not in perimenopausal and early postmenopausal women. Past activity (sports and recreation) was positively associated with BMD in total body, spine, hip, and forearm (r ranging from 0.26-0.37, P < .05). Various modes of present walking were positively associated with BMD in regions of femur and forearm. Osteoporosis

Conclusions: These results reveal the importance of lean tissue acting independently on bone at different skeletal sites in women across age groups as well as the positive effects on BMD of Ca in the youngest and oldest women and life-long engagement in physical activity in older women. Osteoporosis

Step 4

Supplementing: this is a complex subject , certainly not as simple as just taking Tums, made from calcium carbonate, an inefficiently absorbed form of calcium to start with, and one that ironically requires the stomach acid it is designed to suppress  to be absorbed at all! Osteoporosis

In fact, Max Motyka, who holds an MS in Pharmacy, wrote in an article in October 1999 that clinicians are reporting a rise in a problem called Milk-Alkali Syndrome. Sufferers present with irritability, nausea, headache, vertigo, weariness, hypercalcemia, metabolic alkalosis and renal failure. All of the cases were attributable to the use of a popular calcium carbonate antacid formula as a calcium supplement. Osteoporosis

Unfortunately, too, whatever calcium is absorbed from Tums , when combined with the highly alkaline carbonate, greatly increases the risk of kidney stones. Osteoporosis

This is what I suggest you look for in a calcium supplement, together with some of the reasons: Osteoporosis

Calcium in an absorbable form, such as citrate, or there are studies suggesting MCHA calcium, from actual (organic bovine) bone is also a very positive choice for absorbable supplementation.

If you have an acidic pH, consider adding Coral Calcium as part of your calcium supplementation. Osteoporosis

I aim for between 500 and 1500 mg depending on the individual’s dietary level of calcium. Osteoporosis

A recent NIH study makes it clear that starting in childhood, reserves need to be built up and that this early approach to bone building pays off in later life.  Yet the figures are far from encouraging:

  • Daily calcium intakes of 800 mg for children aged three to eight years and 1,300 mg for children and adolescents aged nine to 17 years are suggested by the Institute of Medicine. Only about 25% of boys and 10% of girls aged nine to 17 years meet these recommendations. Osteoporosis
  • Daily calcium intake for older adults should be maintained at 1,000 to 1,500 mg, yet only about 50%-60% of this population meets this recommendation. Osteoporosis

Magnesium – at least 50% of the calcium level, perhaps more. Many people (women in particular) are seriously deficient. Boron – a trace mineral that has an estrogenic effect on calcium absorption.

L-Lysine – important in calcium absorption and connective tissue strength. Osteoporosis

Vitamin D –  Essential for calcium uptake. Look for D3, calciferol, and consider doses of up to 2000 i.u. Osteoporosis

Vitamin K – essential for bone formation, and found chiefly in green leafy vegetables. A Japanese food called Natto is an excellent source of Vitamin K. Osteoporosis

Silicon/Silica – difficult to find enough in the diet, and a nutrient found in high concentrations anywhere bone is being built. Osteoporosis

Additionally, the process of bone adsorption and formation is at all times dynamic. Osteoporosis occurs when the rate of bone breakdown by osteoclasts outpaces the rate of bone building by osteoblasts. A 1993 study done in Paris by Dr. Marie dealt with Silicon supplementation in estrogen deficient rats. The ovaries were removed surgically, and true bone loss was observed both as loss of bone volume, and an increase in osteoclasts as compared to controls. One finding was that Silicon supplementation significantly reduced the rate of bone loss, from 48% in unsupplemented rats to 34% in those receiving Silicon. (Animal model for osteoporosis Hott et al, 53, 174 1993.)

Melatonin -interesting new research is linking age-related Melatonin deficiencies to osteoporosis. For some, this might be a helpful addition, but I recommend measuring the level of the hormone through a saliva test before supplementing .

It is also really important to take your calcium in divided doses throughout the day, with some being taken last thing at night. Measurements of uptake show 29% efficiency for 500 mg taken once a day, versus 40% efficiency for 500 mg divided into three daily doses with an all time low of 14% uptake for 2000 mg taken in one dose! Osteoporosis

Strontium – here is an expert opinion ( Strontium is demonstrably present in bone when it is actively building. Osteoporosis

Study showing low levels of Vitamin D in all hip fractures

Recently, some extremely encouraging research has been done on a supplement called Ipriflavone, which shows promise for restoring bone mass: it was first discovered back in the 1930s, but has recently been reintroduced along with new evidence of its benefits. This substance, which is found naturally in Alfalfa and Bee Propolis, has been shown not only to prevent bone loss ( even in patients with Paget’s disease and thyroid problems) but to either maintain, or improve, bone density in post-menopausal women. The interesting thing about Ipriflavone is that it achieves this by exerting an estrogen-like influence on the body, but absolutely without affecting hormonal levels at all: in other words, it appears to carry with it none of the risks of Hormone Replacement Therapy, even for women susceptible to estrogen-induced forms of cancer. (Source: Osteoporosis Int (1997) 7: 119-125)

One Italian study (Moscarini – Gynecol Endocrinol 8:203-207, 1989) of 90 women aged 53 to 65 found that Ipriflavone and Calcium supplementation increased bone mineral density by 2% after 6 months, and 5.8% after 12, with the added bonus of a significant decrease in pain – 45% at 6 months, and 62% at 12. While this was not a placebo controlled study, subsequent better designed studies have confirmed these results.  Osteoporosis

Recent research at the Universities of Purdue and Indiana has turned up a connection between bone health and Vitamin E.  Working with chickens, Drs. Watkins and Seifert found that supplementing the birds’ feed with natural D-Alpha Tocopherol along with the naturally occurring companion mixed tocopherols not only resulted in leg bones that grew longer, stronger and denser, but also inhibited the effects of free radicals on existing bone, shielding the bone-forming cells (osteoclasts) and allowing them to continue with their job of producing new bone. This has definite implications for osteoporosis, say the two doctors. Let me point out here that I have been saying for many years how inferior the activity of synthetic Vitamin E is to the natural: now comes a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition that unequivocally show the rate of absorption of synthetic is far less than that of natural, perhaps as little as one half as much.

On another interesting note, studies in Sweden suggest that women ingesting more than 1.5 mg of Vitamin A daily had almost twice the risk of hip fractures. Some experts have data that suggests making sure you are getting enough vitamin D mitigates this risk. Osteoporosis

What this translates to is that if a woman is drinking 5 glasses of milk per day, or the equivalent in other dairy foods and foods high in Vitamin A, she should make sure she is not taking a multivitamin with Vitamin A.  Even 5000 i.u. is enough in combination with a diet high in A to increase risk for bone density loss. Beta carotene is NOT a villain here, since it is only converted to Vitamin A if the body needs it.

Ongoing research continues to emphasize the importance of Vitamin D: 
I feel that once again reaction has gone overboard on the strength of inconclusive evidence, and I worry about the harm being done to bone health by recommendations that we avoid the sun entirely:  as you all know, sunlight synthesizes Vitamin D in the body.  Osteoporosis

 When you consider that D is not only essential for the absorption of calcium, but also protects against falls by improving the ability of the cell to contract, thereby improving muscle strength:  well, as you age you are not only going to fall, but you’ll be sure to break a bone as well! See the research at!gc=1!gid2=2881

A study by Dr. Schurch (with WHO in Geneva) has demonstrated that protein plays an important role in proper bone growth: his double blind, randomized study showed that not only did it slow bone loss and help heal existing fractures, but it also supported immune function. (Ann Intern Med1998 / 128 (10) / 801-809.)

Confirmation of this information comes from an Australian study published in the Am. Journal of Clinical Nutrition (vol 81, no 6, pp1423-1428) in 2005:  results showed a positive correlation between protein intake and both heel and hip bone mineral density, even after adjusting for age, body mass index, and other nutrients. Levels of protein below 66gms per day were problematic, over 87 gms protective. Osteoporosis

This would seem to give double validity for the regular daily use of soy or whey  protein shakes, particularly for women who not only are at greater risk for bone loss and consequent fractures, but who also benefit in other ways from the beneficial phytoestrogens in soy. I have used a shake made from soy protein for breakfast for nearly 20 years now, and every day it appears I find out a new reason why!

See RESOURCES at bottom for the connection between protein and Osteoporosis. This is part of the pH Factor, without which calcium cannot be absorbed. As is so often the case, balance is the key.

It seems to me conclusive that a combination of Ipriflavone and natural Progesterone, along with soy and possibly other phytoestrogenic herbs, and the necessary vitamins and minerals, would be an effective approach both to combating existing osteoporosis and to preventing its occurrence in the first place for women who wish to avoid the possible risks of hormone replacement therapy.

Now let’s look at other factors, all of which are well within our own control. I proved this last week when my dog (all 140 lbs of him) barreled into me (all 63 years of me) when I was running, and knocked me down two flights of concrete steps. I landed on my arm, and thought I had broken it – an X-ray showed that I had only bruised it badly. Now, if I can just control my dog as well as I control my bones …

I feel it important that women should know there is a possibility of an adverse effect on bone production by synthetic thyroid hormone therapy:  a reduction in thyroid hormone is a fairly common occurrence in women over 60, and a new study in the Journal  Am. Board Fam. Pract. 13(6):403-407, 2000 shows a potential risk in older nursing home residents because of the inappropriate use of thyroid hormone therapy.  ” It is clear from several studies that excessive or suppressive doses of thyroid hormone result in a decrease in bone density. It is less certain, but an increasing body of evidence suggests that even therapeutic doses of thyroid hormone contribute to decreased bone density.  Kung and Pun, in their study of 26 premenopausal women receiving physiologic doses of levothyroxine compared with age-matched control women, found that femoral bone density was between 5% and 15% less in the women on thyroid hormone therapy. The mean duration of hormone therapy in these patients was 7.5 years, and the mean dose of thyroid hormone was 106 µg.”  Osteoporosis

This same study showed that it was possible to discontinue the use of the thyroid hormone in half of the residents, because it had either been prescribed inappropriately originally, or the thyroid imbalance had corrected itself in the meantime.  Osteoporosis

 To recap: we can keep our bones strong through a combination of exercise, diet, supplementation, and hormonal balance. The sooner in life we start, the better: but it’s never too late to start building stronger bones! Osteoporosis

Topic: Hyperhomocysteinemia May Increase the Risk of Osteoporosis
Keywords: OSTEOPOROSIS, BONE HEALTH, BONE DENSITY Homocysteine, Hyperhomocysteinemia, B Vitamins
Reference: “The role of hyperhomocysteinemia as well as folate, vitamin B(6) and B(12) deficiencies in osteoporosis – a systematic review,” Herrmann M, Peter Schmidt J, et al, Clin Chem Lab Med, 2007; 45(12): 1621-32. (Address: ANZAC Research Institute, University of Sydney, Sydney NSW, Australia and Department of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, University Hospital of Saarland, Homburg/Saar, Germany).
Summary: In this article, recent epidemiological studies, randomized clinical trials, and experimental studies examining the possible link between hyperhomocysteinemia and osteoporosis are reviewed. Results of epidemiological and randomized clinical trials suggest that hyperhomocysteinemia increases fracture risk. However, no clear relationship has been found between hyperhomocysteinemia and bone mineral density. Results of animal studies suggest that bone resorption is stimulated and bone quality is diminished in hyperhomocysteinemic animals. Results of cell culture studies suggest that bone resorption is stimulated in the presence of hyperhomocysteinemia, demonstrated by the stimulation of osteoclasts but not osteoblasts in the presence of Hcy. Furthermore, hyperhomocysteinemia appears to disturb collagen cross linking, adversely affecting the extracellular bone matrix. The authors conclude their review by stating that, “…Existing data suggest that HHCY (and possibly B-vitamin deficiencies) adversely affects bone quality by stimulation of bone resorption and disturbance of collagen cross linking.”

by Lynn Hinderliter CN, LDN

In March of 1998, it was my privilege to hear Dr. Lee talk in Chicago. He was the Doctor who,  since 1975 or so, had been the leader in attempts to design a more natural approach to menopause, and who developed the progesterone cream that made my own passage through that time bearable.

A part of his presentation I found very interesting related to the effects of hormones on post-menopausal bone loss. First, he addressed what he considered the false promise of Fosamax, which was the newest medical approach to the problem. He told us that the drug belongs to a class of amino bi-phosphates related to disphosphenates, the same chemical used in cleaners to remove the ring around the bath tub caused by mineral deposits from our water.

 This drug acts by stopping the resorption of bone, and therefore leads to a temporary increase in bone mass. However, since it does not promote bone growth, after a five year period the body is left with only old, static bone, and hip fractures start to occur. The studies done by the actual manufacturers of the drug show a 0% gain of bone with Fosamax, a 1 to 2% gain with synthetic hormones (whether estrogens or progestins), and a 2% loss with placebo.

What has to be taken into account, however, is not only the lack of permanent benefit from Fosamax, but the presence of far from pleasant side effects: these occur with frequency, and include aching bones, possible permanent, severe damage to the esophagus, and damage to the lining of the stomach. It is also hard on the kidneys, and recently evidence has been accruing that it is extremely harmful to the eyes. (New England Journal Medicine March 20, 2003;348(12):1187-8)  See RESOURCES at botton.

Research shows that even short-term use of oral alendronate (Fosamax) can increase the risk of osteonecrosis ( bone death) of the jaw as a complication of dental procedures.

In 2002, the FDA approved a new drug, called FORTEO,  for osteoporosis prevention, despite the fact that they do not know whether it will cause osteosarcoma (bone cancer) in humans as it has demonstrably done in animals.  ( Once again, WE are the guinea pigs that will produce millions for drug companies. 

Dr. Lee’s point is that most women over 65 have adequate estrogen, which inhibits bone loss. All claims to the contrary, estrogen does not play a role in bone BUILDING, but only in clearing away old bone cells so that new ones can be formed.

However, at the age of approximately 35, progesterone production virtually ceases, since it is only produced in significant amounts after ovulation while estrogen is produced during the entire menstrual cycle. Before age 35  is the age of peak bone production in women: after that, it declines. The presence of estrogen makes no difference:  the absence of progesterone does.

Dr Lee claimed to have proven that natural progesterone, as a  topically applied  cream in a strength commensurate with what the body would optimally produce, had been shown to improve bone mineral density in women, no matter what their age, by 15% over a three year period

Following up on the comment about estrogen, there can be no doubt that adding soy to one’s diet is a very important step towards maintaining estrogen production, since it is high in phytoestrogens, as plant estrogen precursors have come to be called.

Their effect on the body is still somewhat controversial, but many experts believe that they  block excess estrogen when necessary, and supply  it when it is deficient, thus providing the best of both worlds!  

Some may worry that increased intake of protein from soy could affect their bone density – worry no more: consider a study in the  American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2002;75(4):773-779   on calcium and protein intake in elderly men and women, by Dawson-Hughes B, Harris SS, where the investigators set out to determine whether calcium (in the form of calcium citrate malate) and vitamin D supplements could affect the associations between protein intake and change in BMD in a group of elderly men and women.

A total of 342 healthy men aged 65 years, who had previously taken part in a 3-year, randomized, placebo-controlled trial of calcium and vitamin D supplementation,[1] were included in the study. Associations between protein intake and change in BMD were examined. Protein intake was assessed on the basis of responses to a food frequency questionnaire. BMD was determined every 6 months using DXA measurements of the femoral neck, lumbar spine, and whole body.

The authors conclude that BMD in older men and women may be improved by increasing protein intake provided that subjects meet the currently recommended intakes of calcium and vitamin D (which in the United States are 1200 mg calcium for men and women and 400 U vitamin D for men and women aged 50-70 years and 600 U vitamin D for men and women older than 70).

I have noticed with relief that more and more Doctors are addressing the need for calcium supplementation in women, and Dr. Lee mentioned this trend also: but he was censorious about the fact that patients are recommended to take Tums: a truly ironic recommendation, since Tums is designed to suppress stomach acid, and calcium is very poorly absorbed unless sufficient stomach acid is present. HCL in the stomach and a proper acid environment there is also essential for keeping the body in proper pH balance. Lack of acid in the stomach often leads top too much acid in the body, which in turn leads to the withdrawal of minerals from the bones to correct and neutralize the problem.

It is my hope that as studies showing the efficacy of natural approaches continue to come out, Doctors will feel comfortable suggesting protocols which are not only helpful, but also not harmful. Until then I will continue to use and recommend progesterone to build bone, the best absorbed calcium for bone structure, and Ipriflavone and/or soy foods to guard against bone resorption without inhibiting bone growth.

In a recent study by Dawson Hughes, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition(2000;72:745-750), they looked at the effect of starting supplementation with calcium and vitamin D, and then discontinuing the supplements.  What they found was that for men, benefits gained were negated by the end of 2 years.  For women, there was an immediate loss of benefit.

What this means is that in order to protect yourself, you need not only to start increasing your calcium, but to continue taking it  without cessation!   This is very important, since the study showed  a decrease in fractures, and increase in bone density coupled with a decrease of bone breakdown.  At the moment, less than 1 in 10 American men or women meet the daily recommendations for calcium set by the National Academy of Sciences! (1200mg of calcium per day, and 400/600 i.u of D per day) 

Find the recommended supplements here

Quick Links

A Simple Way to make Yogurt

 A Network for Women about Progesterone use (

High Calcium Foods (

Smoking and Osteoporosis

Smoking and Young Bones

Strength Training and Osteoporosis

Drinking water and your pH, Beware!

Nosteoporosis –


New study: Use of Calcium to prevent hip breaks could save nation milions

An excellent overview of HRT and Osteoporosis

A Network for Women, by Women, about Natural Progesterone Use

Some facts about Protein, Soy, and Bone Support

Vitamin D strengthens muscles and prevents falls

Long term use of antacids doubles osteoporosis risk

DHEA along with Vitamin D and Calcium may Improve Spine BMD

For more information about KEFIR,
Bring your sense of humor – this gentleman is an original!

A Network for Women,

Public Citizen looks at Forteo and Cancer Risk

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