Basic Instructions for Rotation Diets
A rotation diet is one where you “rotate” your foods from one day to the next. For a strict rotation, you would allow one flour, one starch, one veggie, one fruit, one meat, one oil, per day [or every two days]. Then the next day you change to a different flour, different starch, different veggie, etc.
Another way is the rotating rotation , and here is an example using flours. Allow 2 or 3 days between the repeat of each food item for it to clear the system. Day 1 — corn, soy, potatoes, NO RICE Rotation diets are not only a tool for managing existing allergies, but may also may help prevent the development of allergies to new foods. In sensitive people, eating any food every day, or very frequently, may lead eventually to a full-blown intolerance. This is often the case with people suffering from “leaky gut” syndrome. This means that if you simply eliminate foods to which you are allergic, over-dependence on the replacement foods can cause new allergies. This is the value of the rotation diet approach. A rotation diet helps you pick out allergies to foods for which you were not tested and may not have suspected were problems. If you eat a food on Monday, for example, by Friday, when you eat it again, the “masking” antibodies your body makes specifically for that food will be diminished. Therefore, you will realize you are reacting to it, even though you did not have obvious symptoms when you ate it on a daily basis. A rotation diet also allows you to eat foods to which you have a mild or borderline intolerance, and which you might not be able to handle if you ate them often. Sometimes your reaction to borderline foods may depend on your stress level, other illness or infection, lack of adequate rest, or the season of the year. (For example, grain allergies tend to be more pronounced when the grass is pollinating). On a rotation diet each food is eaten only every fourth to fifth day or at even longer intervals. Depending on the severity of your problem , your nutritionist may suggest that you eat a food only once during the rotation day. Or, if your allergies are not too severe, you may tolerate eating each food more than once during a 24-hour rotation day. Usually all of the members of a food family are eaten on the same day. However, some doctors may recommend that their less severely allergic patients “split” food families for a more nutritious or more palatable diet. In this case, you eat different members of the same family on more than one day of the rotation cycle with a day off from that family between. (For example, you might eat apples on day 1 and pears on day 3). Some doctors permit their patients to eat a different member of the grain or cattle family on each day of their rotation cycle, depending on the patient’s degree of sensitivity to grains or cattle family meats. On a rotation diet, you eat members of the same biological food family on the same day because foods in the same family have similar antigens. The classification of the plants and animals we use for food is not an exact science; thus, various classification schemes differ on the level of relatedness they assign to some foods. What one botanist or zoologist calls a family, another may call a suborder, meaning that the foods are less closely related than on the family level. Remember, too, that enzymes can make a big difference in tolerating minor allergens! The Rotation Diet, by Martin Katahn, can be bought through