Vitamin Lady

Vitamin Lady

Nurturing the Body, Mind & Soul

Weight Control – eating for balance


by Lynn Hinderliter CN, LDN

Let’s start with the BAD news. It is hard to exaggerate  the problem of obesity in this country. Weight Control

In 1978, one quarter of Americans were overweight,  and in 1990, one third were overweight a 33% increase. The latest figures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that 60% are now overweight. Similarly, the prevalence of obesity increased from 12% in 1991 to 19% in 1999.[1] It has been estimated that 300,000 deaths per year are attributable to obesity, and that it accounts for nearly 10% of national health costs.[1] (Mokdad AH, Serdula MK, Dietz WH, et al. The continuing epidemic of obesity in the United States. JAMA. 2000; 284:1650-1651.) Weight Control

 In 2002, rates continued to increase, rising to nearly 65% of adults from 56%, while rates of extreme obesity increased to nearly 5% from 3%. Black women and people with lower educational levels were more likely to be morbidly obese, according to the report. While weight gain was noted in all age, gender, and ethnic groups, obesity and overweight rates were highest among non-Hispanic black women. Half of black women, 40 years and older, were obese and more than 80% were overweight, according to the report by Dr. Katherine M. Flegal and colleagues, from the CDC.  (JAMA 2002;288:1723-1732,1772-1773. Weight Control

More alarming because it speaks to the habits we are passing on, are the figures for childhood obesity. A 2002 study of nearly 5000 children at the Center for Disease Control by   Dr. Cynthia Ogden and her team found that more than 15% of 6- to 19-year-olds were overweight in 1999-2000, compared with about 11% in 1998-1994. The prevalence of overweight rose to 10% from about 7% among children 2 to 5 years of age. Weight Control

These studies do not even look at the role of nutritional deficiencies  in the development of health conditions and weight control such as  cancer and other consequences of general depression of the immune system: such things may be  hard to document but to my mind the connection is incontrovertible. To make but one point, remember that estrogen is stored in fatty tissues. An alarming study (Obstet Gynecol 2002;100:288-295.)  looked at the relationship between teenage girls(18 years of old ), obesity (BMI of 25 or greater) and subsequent pre-menopausal ovarian cancer –  in a study of 109,445 nurses they found that those who met these criteria were nearly TWICE as likely to develop cancer. More about the dismal connection between obesity and health at the end of this article. Weight Control

In 2006, new studies link obesity with an increased risk of ovarian cancer. ( Weight Control

In many ways this problem is quintessentially  American: Weight Control

on one end of the spectrum, super-sizing, instant gratification, blind trust in our food manufacturers and suppliers to protect our best interests, and many years of mistrust of most sensible but unpopular dietary advice .  On the other end, the expectation of free lunch (results without effort);  instant replay (results immediately); magic bullets (results from a miracle pill). Weight Control

Many people who are looking to lose weight want weight loss without having to diet. They want to be more fit, but not to exercise.  They want better health, but without having to change their eating habits, or giving up any of their vices. Remember, a situation that has taken many years to develop, will take time to remedy! Weight Control

The healthy way to weight control requires patience and planning.  Weight Control

When weight comes off a pound at a time, you are losing fat.  Any faster, first you are losing water weight, then you will be risking the loss of muscle, which is not healthy.  It sounds so simple to say “make wiser food choices and serve smaller portions; then, take a walk”.  However, for lifetime results, it helps to lose the heroic remedies/instant answer mentality, and start planning wisely for a thinner, healthier future. Weight Control

Here is a simple place to start: an interesting 2003 study in the Journal of the American Medical Institution (2003, vol. 289, no. 14) found a distinct correlation between watching TV, and weight gain.  The study was done with women, but I it is  applicable to everyone, particularly children.  What it found was that  each two-hour-per-day increment of television watching led to a 23 percent increase in obesity. Each two-hour-per-day increment of sitting at work was associated with a 5 percent increase in obesity. Weight Control

By contrast, women who stood or walked around their homes for two hours a day reduced their obesity risk by 9 percent. Imagine where that percentage rate would be if they also went out and walked after lunch or dinner! In fact, the researchers estimated that if women adopted a relatively active lifestyle—that is, less than ten hours per week of TV viewing and more than 30 minutes a day of brisk walking—they could reduce their risk of obesity by almost one-third. Weight Control

Here is another simple thing you can do: cut out anything with fructose in it. Fructose has some very interesting effects on insulin levels, and is also more likely to be stored as fat than simple sugars.  Read the report at

 I am not an advocate of this diet versus that diet, but of commonsense and self-control for weight control.

Over 30 years ago a researcher named Ancel Keys did his famous Seven Countries Study. ( See RESOURCES  at right) He found that villagers on the Greek island of Crete had 90 % less heart disease than Americans. In addition, obesity was rare. Their diet consisted of whole grain breads, olive oil, beans, nuts, vegetables, fruits, and small servings of cheese. They ate fish once a week, and small amounts of meat about twice a month. But their diet was not particularly low in fat: 40% of their calories came from olive oil. Weight Control

Eating Healthily for Optimal Weight and weight control:

The main villains in weight gain are excess fats, carbohydrates, and too little fiber. Weight Control

* Generous amounts of olive oil (or macadamia nut oil) are allowed following my diet, while fats that remain solid at room temperature and trans fats should be eliminated. Weight Control
* Protein should be supplied as far as possible from plant sources, such as beans, nuts and soy, with poultry, eggs, fish and meat a few times a week, and red meat a few times a month. Weight Control
*  Cheese and yogurt ( see RESOURCES for recipe) may be consumed on a daily basis, but in small amounts. Weight Control
*  Fruits and vegetables should be consumed in variety on a daily basis.
* A glass of wine per day is an acceptable addition, but the main liquid should be pure water, and at least 8 glasses a day of that. Weight Control
* This change needs to be accompanied by consistent healthful exercise, such as brisk walking.

Obviously, a few caveats need to be attached to this for people with specific health problems – but for the many of you who ask me what I eat and whether I am a vegetarian – this is your answer, in detail. It is a healthy diet, a high fiber, energy-producing, weight maintaining diet, and it tastes good. Add a good selection of supplements, both the basic nutrient necessities ( who has time to eat perfectly every day!) and, where indicated, specific nutrients selected with your particular situation in mind, and living like this should positively support all the systems of your body for many years of healthy living. Weight Control

People with blood type O require a higher percentage of animal proteins, but should avoid wheat and corn like the plague. The break-down of wheat in the gut can lead to inflammation, fatigue, and weight gain. Dr. Susan Lark also links weight gain in women over 40, no matter their blood type, to wheat. Cutting it out altogether, she states, can be the one step that makes losing weight possible for women in and over that age group. Weight Control

A 2006 study found that inflammation leads to both weight gain AND weight loss in older individuals, both of which can be signs of deterioration in a persons health* (International Journal of Obesity (2006) 30, 1362–1367. doi:10.1038/sj.ijo.0803306; published online 14 March 2006) Weight Control

For many who are suffering from many years of faulty diet, digestive enzymes and a detoxification/cleansing program should be considered. See RESOURCES at bottom. Weight Control

A major reason why a detoxification program can be extremely helpful in weight loss is found in research which brings to light the devastating effect chemicals (and particularly the “ene”s (xylene, toluene, benzene) have on the metabolism. These chemicals are present in paints, solvents, insect repellants, plastic bottles – the list goes on and on – and their effect on our health is only just beginning to be understood.  For our purpose, however, the important fact is that they block the conversion of  carbohydrates to energy at the very beginning of the Krebs cycle.  Carbohydrates which are not available to be used for energy are deposited as fat and cause weight gain. Remember, chemicals are stored in fatty tissue – this is a cycle of ill health and obesity which can be hard to interrupt. Weight Control

Alcohol can compound this problem, and yeast & fungi also interfere with the Krebs cycle. Weight Control

These chemicals also have an affinity for the amino acid Glycine: in some cases, I have had clients tell me that they have GAINED weight as a result of detoxing: the solution is to increase the availability of Glycine through supplementation. Weight Control

Some of my clients have found that, while limiting carbohydrates to the point where they lose weight proved very difficult, separating protein from carbohydrates ( in other words, not eating them at the same meal) proved not only easier to do, but extremely effective at promoting weight loss. These include, of course, complex carbs, not just sugar and white flour!! Weight Control

I consider the addition of a good multivitamin to one’s daily regimen to be life insurance. Weight Control

After all, obesity is above all caused by faulty diet: one does not get fat on oxygen! Weight Control

Either too much sugar and carbohydrates generally
too much (or the wrong kind of) fat,
too little fiber,
the wrong foods for one’s body,
lack of exercise,
digestive insufficiency
poor elimination
unrelenting stress
 a combination of all these factorsis to blame. Weight Control

and with today’s lifestyles we do not have the time or resources to spare to cope with the disastrous effects of poor food choices. Losing those extra pounds is something that must be done, and the payoff is well worth it. Weight Control

I urge you to identify your problem and correct it.  While I would never say it is EASY to lose fat, the process is really very SIMPLE:  repeat after me: make wiser food choices and serve smaller portions; then, take a walk Weight Control

While I always advocate the control of diet as the most important step, sometimes we need help: consider my Starch Formula, from Phase 1 to block carbohydrate absorption. Enzymedica’s LYPO helps block digest fat. Weight Control

The connection between stress, comfort eating and obesity cannot be overlooked or denied, either. Weight Control

Here is an excerpt from an interesting article:  you can find the full text in RESOURCES at below: “Stress causes increased pituitary secretion of ACTH that also results in an elevation of Cortisol and a shift in fat distribution to the abdomen. Chronically stressed primates with high Cortisol levels develop a corresponding increase in abdominal fat deposits. A study of Swedish men similarly found that with those with the highest levels of chronic stress also had the highest Cortisol measurements and the greatest amount of deep belly fat.” Weight Control

Another interesting study done in Italy (International Journal of Obesity (2003) 27, 1353-1358. doi:10.1038/sj.ijo.0802419) linked shift work, which unquestionably qualifies as unrelenting stress, to obesity.  The conclusion of the researchers was that “shift work may be directly responsible for increased body fatness and is indirectly associated with higher blood pressure levels and some features of metabolic syndrome. ” Weight Control

Strategies to control stress, and supplements to lower Cortisol levels, may be an important part of your weight loss strategy.  Exercise is an excellent way to lower stress levels – Yoga and T’ai Chi Chuan, for example, blend physical exercise with mental discipline. Weight Control

Is there definitely a connection between obesity and health? Weight Control

The average American diet is sadly deficient in fruits and vegetables. Nearly half of the 5,500 people polled for the USDA study reported eating NO fruit on a given day! Lori Borrund, leader of the survey management team at USDA said “the marks for leafy green and deep yellow vegetables are certainly below recommendations”.

Among adults in this survey there were numerous nutritional deficiencies: neither men nor women met the RDA for magnesium ( super-important for heart health), or zinc. Women also tended to be deficient in iron, B6, Calcium and Vitamin E. Weight Control

The Journal of the American College of Nutrition published a study by Dr. James W. Anderson, of the VA Medical Center in Lexington, Kentucky, and colleagues in which they compared several popular weight-loss diets and examined their potential long-term effects. Eight diets, including Atkins, Protein Power, Sugar Busters, Zone, ADA Exchange, High-Fiber Fitness, Pritikin, and Ornish, were “non-clinically analyzed by means of a computer to predict their relative benefits/potential harm.” Weight Control

The researchers developed a summary description, menu plan, and recommended snacks for each diet, according to their report in the October issue of the Journal of the American College of Nutrition. The diets were then compared using computer software to determine the nutrient composition and calculate Food Pyramid Scores. Coronary heart disease risk factors were estimated by applying several formulas. Weight Control

“The Atkins and Protein Power diets are very high in total and saturated fat compared to current dietary guidelines,” the authors write. They add that significant increases in serum cholesterol and risk of coronary heart disease may result from the long-term use of these diets. Weight Control

The team found that diets that restrict sugar intake, such as with the Sugar Busters and Zone diets, would lower serum cholesterol levels and would probably reduce the risk for coronary heart disease. Weight Control

“The healthiest diets for weight loss, weight maintenance, and general health maintenance are ones that are rich in vegetables, fruits, legumes, and whole grain cereals and breads,” Dr. Anderson commented to Reuters Health. “Healthy eating at the bottom of the food guide pyramid plus exercise are the healthiest ways to lose weight.”
(J Am Coll Nutr 2000;19:578-590. ) Weight Control

This suggests that healthy eating will maintain both good health, and a healthy weight.  Let us go further: Weight Control

The Surgeon General lists these consequences of obesity:  (

  • Premature death
  • Heart disease
  • Diabetes
  • Cancer
  • Breathing problems
  • Arthritis
  • Reproductive complications
  • Gallbladder disease, Incontinence & Depression

The Center for Disease Control is even more lurid stating that a BMI  of 25% and above can predispose to: Weight Control

  •  High blood pressure, hypertension
  • High blood cholesterol, dyslipidemia
  • Type 2 (non-insulin dependent) diabetes
  • Insulin resistance, glucose intolerance
  • Hyperinsulinemia
  • Coronary heart disease
  • Angina pectoris
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Stroke
  • Gallstones
  • Cholescystitis and cholelithiasis
  • Gout
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Obstructive sleep apnea and respiratory problems Some types of cancer (such as endometrial, breast, prostate, and colon)
  • Complications of pregnancy
  • Poor female reproductive health (such as menstrual irregularities, infertility, irregular ovulation)
  • Bladder control problems (such as stress incontinence)
  • Uric acid nephrolithiasis
  • Psychological disorders (such as depression, eating disorders, distorted body image, and low self esteem).

A recent article in Medscape said this: Obesity among adults and children has increased dramatically in the past 20 years to reach epidemic proportions, and health care costs of excessive weight are estimated at more than $98 billion a year.[1] In a previous study investigating risk factors for cardiovascular disease in a poor, rural county in Tennessee, the authors found that morbid obesity was 6 times more common in women than men, particularly middle-aged women, and self-reported health status among obese women was significantly lower than that of women who were not obese.[2] It is unknown, however, whether these findings are limited to this specific geographic area, or whether it is as common a risk factor in other areas of the southeastern United States. Weight Control

  • Mokdad AH, Bowman BA, Ford ES, et al: The continuing epidemics of obesity and diabetes in the United States. JAMA 2001; 286:1195-1199
  • Ramsey PW, Glenn LL: Risk factors for heart disease in rural Appalachia. Fam Community Health 1998; 20:19-30 And another thought-provoking squib:Bon Appetit!
  • The Vitamin Lady®
  • J. Willis Hurst, MD [Medscape Cardiology, 2001. © 2001 Medscape, Inc.]”I am hearing bits and pieces of talk questioning the value of a low-fat diet in the prevention of atherosclerosis. Once again there are those who point out that many individuals on a low-fat diet gain weight (and become obese) by eating more carbohydrates.Some scientists point out that atherosclerosis is less common in countries where people do not decrease their dietary fat but eat more vegetables than it is in countries where people have decreased the amount of fat in their diet but eat more carbohydrates and fewer vegetables.Thus far, the question that has been raised is, How valuable is a low-fat diet for the reduction of atherosclerosis? But perhaps the question should be posed another way: How harmful is it not to eat a large quantity of vegetables and fruit daily?”

Don’t Be a Fitness Drop-Out! Weight Control

By Ginny Porter and Jack HollemanSomewhere in your 2003 New Year’s resolution list was losing weight and getting fit. Well, after a short spurt of dedicated effort and sore muscles you’re not as motivated.  If this describes you, you are no different than millions of Americans who annually take a short ride on the fitness bus after the holidays only to get off in the first 3 – 4 months!How do you keep that enthusiasm?  Here are 10 proven ideas to help overcome being just another fitness drop-out.

1. Hire a good personal trainer – even for just one tune-up session! A personal trainer – whether face-to-face our online – will examine your goals and progress and make suggestions about your fitness routine. He/she will direct you to activities that are appropriate for your current level and goals, and make sure you are executing each exercise correctly. You may find new and better ways to exercise – and a more efficient and productive routine. Weight Control

2.  Consider joining a health club.  Join a YMCA or a local gym where the atmosphere is conducive to good hard exercise, and where you will find inspiration in any number of ways; music, classes, friends, environment.  It is much easier to complete your exercise program if the doorbell and phone are not calling to you! When you can’t get to the gym, go home and use your videos, equipment, or just walk the neighborhood. But strive for the gym regularly! Weight Control

3.  Make a reasonable plan.  Consider your goals – do they make sense?  Set a series of small goals that you can reasonably accomplish in the next 2 – 3 months. These goals must be attainable, measurable and very personal. For example; “Lose a pound a week for 8 weeks” or ” Go to class at they gym three times a week” or “Walk two miles everyday.” Weight Control

4.  Add variety and excitement to your workout.  Your body adapts to any program that remains constant. Cross-training or altering your program will accelerate your progress. Make subtle changes to your workout ever 3 – 4 weeks. You might consider changing cardio machines from bike to treadmill or from running to elliptical trainer. Learn a new sport like racquetball or swimming. Buy a new fitness video for days at home, or take a new class. Weight Control

5.  Keep a food diary.  Create a diary of the foods that you eat an know what you eat, when and how much. Then improve one thing each week to move towards a healthier diet. Weight Control

6.  Water, water, water and more water.   Carry water along – take it to work and drink before, during and after a workout. Muscle movement is a chemical reaction.  Water is essential for your body to function well. A 5% loss in water to your body can translate into a 20 – 25% drop in performance.  And – water is great for your diet and gives skin that healthy glow! Weight Control

7. Recruit a friend. Find someone to share your experiences. Work with a friend or family member with similar goals to offset that predictable mental slump.

8.  Do something – everyday!  Your gym workout takes time and we know that isn’t always possible. On busier days take a brisk 15 – 20 minute walk at lunch or at the end of the day. This may be all your schedule permits – but it is better than nothing! Weight Control

9.  Reward yourself.. But not with chocolate cake!  When you are doing well, buy new shoes, go to a movie, get a manicure or pedicure, or even a massage. Find things besides food that make you feel appropriately self-indulgent! Weight Control

10. Most important… keep going. If you miss one day, stop punishing yourself, and go the next day. Never give up. Remember, this is a lifestyle – your new level of fitness will provide more energy for you to pursue your dreams (hiking, traveling, skating with the kids, running, going places) while feeling strong and fit.

Jack Holleman and Ginny Porter are the authors of The Pocket Trainer/Strength Training Guide. To purchase a copy of their great book, go to

Find the recommended for weight control supplements here


Spoil Yourself in California!Have the Zone Diet meals prepared with your likes in mind by Gourmet Chefs, ( and delivered to your home  or office daily.

Getting Fit with an on-line  Personal Trainer (

Link between Obesity and Alzheimer’s Disease in older women? (

Dr. Mercolas’ EXCELLENT critique of the South Beach Diet (

Some good news about cancer risk and obesity in women  Read about it at (


Wonderful Motivational tapes to control Stress and help with Weight Loss  (

A comprehensive approach to Yoga for Stress Relief and Weight Control (

More Information about CLA

3 times FASTER than FASTING itself…
The Negative Calorie Diet ™ an intriguing and effective approach.  (
Download this excellent e-book

A FREE Government resource that analyzes the content of your food. (
Find out calorie, fat, fiber etc. content of the food you eat.

Go here and scroll down to find your BMI (

The Weight Loss Institute has much pertinent information (

Ancel Keys’ Seven Countries Study. (

The Vitamin Lady®’s Yogurt recipe

For more information about another fermented food excellent for health
Bring your sense of humor – this gentleman is an original!

 Reviews of diet programs, pills, resources and much more! (

For en excellent guide to losing fat, go here – don’t be put off by the prose:  he really knows what he is talking about!(

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